The first step towards AI/ML innovation, advanced ML ‘High-Spec Studio’

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3 min readJul 6, 2023


Hello, I’m Evelyn, the marketing manager of AIMMO, one of the world’s leading AI data companies.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offer companies massive opportunities to improve operational efficiencies, decrease costs and increase profits.
Success in the implementation of high-performance ML can depend upon ability to make data accurate and worthwhile. AIMMO’s High-Spec studio offer the opportunity to modernize ML model.

Annotation is required to process data such as images, text, and video into a form suitable for ML models. It is recognized as a necessary factor for learning through annotation work, and is one of the factors that greatly influences the reliability of data and the performance of ML models.

Annotation is one of the factors that greatly affects the reliability of data and the performance of ML models, as it is necessary to perform annotation work to recognize whether the element in data is necessary for training.

In order to develop various ML models, must consider various data environments and requirements. This requires different data types and labeling methods. Annotation work on raw data is the starting point of an ML model, and the quality and reliability of the work on the data greatly affects the performance of the ML model.

Let’s take a look inside ‘High-Spec Studio’

High-Spec Studio supports various types of 3D object. It provides 7 labeling specifications including 3D LIDAR Point Cloud and Point Cloud Segmentation added to the 5 basic labeling types such as Bounding Box, Rotated B-Box, Segmentation, Polygon, and Poline. These specifications allow to process various types of data, extending the range of useful data that ML models require. In addition, High-Spec Studio can optimize work environment thanks to saving time and cost of project management while ensuring the quality of work.

Hi-Spec Studio supports both 2D object and 3D object, enabling sensor fusion. 2D data work can link to a 3D Point Cloud project. at the same time in a 3D location. This increases the ease and accuracy of the work, providing convenience in improving the quality of the final product and final inspection. In addition, Hi-Spec Studio supports 5-channel point cloud (x, y, z, intensity, velocity), making it easy to work with complex objects or various transformations. This allows you to maintain the reliability and accuracy of data required for your ML models. In addition, these features meet the demands of working in a global environment.

Hi-Spec Studio automatically creates metadata containing basic environmental information of raw data and can check it in the working environment. This allows metadata filtering for specific environments and creates a convenient working environment.

Take the first step toward advancing AI/ML with Hi-Spec Studio, which can customize for each ML model and can lead to advanced AI/ML to meet the requirements you want!

Aimmo’s services AD-DaaS, Enterprise, GTaaS

Written by Evelyn
Translation by Zen




AIMMO, Enabling a data powered tomorrow.